2016 Merry Christmas My Online Family

Merry Christmas! 💕💖

Hello all, I'm here sitting on my writers chair typing my latest blog post. Taking precious time away from my holiday festivities. Hope today Santa gave you all that your heart desires. For me Santa definitely gave me all that my heart desires. You see what I wanted didn't require a purchase in a store, what I wanted was something free that everyone could give.

Which is.... you may be wondering? Love, sometimes all you need is a little bit love. For instance I have recently decided to love and accept myself. No longer do I stare at my face with disapproval, instead I made the choice to love every dot and gray that makes my face a true unique beauty. As you finished reading this blog post I hope all your self doubt goes away along with all your empty boxes of presents.

I remember as a child the wonders of opening my presents. The ohhhhs and ahhhhs usually followed by the flying papers here and there. Mom and dad sitting on the couch with there cups of coffee in hand with the family dog enjoying its a wonderful life. Life should always be this implicitly beautiful. This Christmas enjoy your family enjoy your life because you never know when you will be back in the blue sky's. Lets have a moment of silence for my friend Jackie Ojo, George Michael and all those who have lost their life on 2016. Merry Christmas my online family!
